Tuesday 13 September 2011


Well...I'm back! I'm sure you will all have missed my inane ramblings, and at this point I've got so much to say I don't know where to start! So lets begin with Turkey...

So! Me and my infamous partner in crime (and best friend) Claire spent a couple of weeks in August in the beautiful city of Icmeler, Turkey. This was my third time visiting the country and I fall more and more in love with the place everytime I go. However on this particular trip I made the rookie mistake of also falling for one of the oh-so-beautiful Kurdish boys who spend their summer working in the town. As a result of this I have now found myself in a loving, committed and very serious 3-week-relationship with a boy who doesn't approve of me talking to other guys, the length of my dresses, going to nightclubs without asking him, drinking, dancing or breathing without permission (kidding...kind of!). Oh and he's Muslim and says he would really like me to meet his mum at some point. I can just picture her face as she is introduced to me; an albino skinned, Scottish, peroxide blonde, overly made-up Aethiest with a penchant for such Western nonsense as fake tan, McDonalds and Jagerbombs. There's also the minor issue of me not being able to speak Kurdish...I'm starting to see cracks appearing in yet another of my excellent life choices but I'm keeping positive!

The young man in question does have his good points though; he's funny, and caring and friendly - and should be put on TV based on his dancing ability! And yes, before any of you say it, I have seen 'The Inbetweeners' film with the cheating Spanish waiter. And YES before you say it I'm well aware that it is highly likely at this moment in time he is telling some other poor, unsuspecting girl that she is his everything/showing her his willy. But a bit of holiday romance never hurt anyone - look at Danny and Sandy! I think I might teach him the words to "You're The One That I Want" now incase things work out...Turkey's a bit hot for a leather catsuit though. Just a minor issue at this stage.

Should holiday romances stay purely as that though? Is it the dangerous combination of beautiful weather, no stress and constant flattery that gives these relationships a sense of idealism? The amount of folk who have found it utterly hilarious that I have a supposed 'Turkish boyfriend' bemuses me - my boy pals found it particularly funny. But as far as me and my love life are concerned it can't be ANY worse than going out with a guy here. Infact looking back at my romantic history - 'the relationship from hell', 'the humper and dumper', 'the flopstar' and my numerous internet beaus - adding 'romance with a foreigner' is just a natural progression for me, an obvious next step if you will! Plus if I didn't get myself into these insane scenarios I'd have nothing to blog about...and if it's between that and dating a Kurd, then you can book me on the first flight to Turkey!

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