Monday 18 July 2011

Going, going, gone...

I'm very sorry for the lateness in this latest episode of my meaningless ramblings, but access to a computer has been scarce due to some technical difficulties. Never mind, I'm back now!

So I would like to start off by revealing the unbelievably exciting news that POF boy texted me last night. I was in the car on the way home from Alton Towers, wired to the moon on Rockstarr and Wham bars, and for a few seconds after I'd read the message, I thought perhaps I was on some weird sugar trip. The unicorn sitting next to me thought the same. It certainly came as a surprise, as it's normally me doing the chasing and it got me thinking about why people go back to someone they've had previous with.

Now obviously, the fact that POF boy has decided to get back in touch is quite a mild case of what I like to call Repetitive Partner Syndrome (RPS) as nothing has ever happened between us bar texting. But when I think about my last relationship and how many times I went back to something which should have been hung up, shot, chained up in a titanium box and dropped in the Forth, I started wondering why people go back to the all too familiar.

For me the biggest reason was still being in love - or what I thought was love. Despite the fact he was decidedly wrong for me, I was besotted. It's amazing how quickly you forget what went wrong after you've split up with somebody that you still have feelings for. You start to recall the days the two of you sat infront of a roaring fire toasting marshmallows...the time you both kissed passionately in the rain on the bridge..that night in Paris...I mean none of this actually happened but you start to believe you walked away from the most idyllic relationship in the world - and subconsicously decide it would be silliness to let go of the situation.

Another reason - whether girls want to admit it or not - is sex. If you meet somebody new and decide you'd like know, then this inevitably leads to meticulous and obsessive personal grooming. This will normally consists of you putting Veet EVERYWHERE, whilst slapping on copious amounts of fake tan, a facemask and all the while frequently looking at yourself naked in the mirror asking why you ever starting consuming solids. Whereas with ex's, they've seen you at your worst - vomiting, farting, peeing (it was just once, I promise) - and therefore the pressure is off and the lights can stay on.

The darker side of running back to the same person is of course personal insecurities. Feeling like you're never going to find someone else is, I'm sure, a common notion among the female population. My friend Meghan recently said to me "There's no point being tied down with someone who isn't right for you, because you'll miss out on all the nice, normal, hot guys that come along" - and it really is that simple. I should have drawn a line under my last relationship LONG before it came to the sticky end it did based purely on that reasoning. It all depends on how far you're willing to be pushed as to when you feel compelled to call 'time!'.

POF boy said he'd had a lot going on recently which is why contact had been none existent? Am I going to give him the benefit of the doubt and start texting again? We'll see...oh and can you pass me the St. Tropez!

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