Monday 4 July 2011

I Walk The Line

Well my love life has kind of come to a screeching halt but that does not mean that men have not been the main fixation of my life this week - for all the right reasons though, they're my pals.

I move into my new flat tomorrow which means I'll no longer be living in a mans, mans world (ie. a flat with four boys). I don't know what I've enjoyed more - verbally being given a list of guys in the Stirling area who are too good for me, frequently being asked about the effects Veet Hair Removal cream would have on a guy's testicles, being shown aforementioned testicles or being drawn into strange sexual discussions that no girl should ever be asked her opinion on. I would give you the juicy details but I'm very aware that I've started this blog in a bid to enhance my CV and I'm pretty sure some of the bedroom techniques I've had described to me would not only be unprofessional to disect but are also more than likely illegal in some countries. Kit Kat Chunky is all I'm saying.

It's strange how sexuality can become completely irrelevant in a friendship between a boy and a girl. I'm all too aware than boys discuss sex a lot, and far from toning this down when they have a girl to stay, my guy mates merely included me in the lad chats that are clearly a regular fixture in their day to day routine. Sometimes I feel sorry for the girls they discuss, as the conversations are far from respectful. But then I think about the obsessive, detailed analysis that me and my girlfriends put any new guy in our lives through and I realised it all balances out. Plus, boys have a much more humorous approach to their experiences with girls and while I should really be acting in a disgusted manner at the degrading turn these discussions can take, I cannot help but find it really, really funny. I mean...the morning after the night before, a girl will be on the phone to her gal pals discussing if it was good, if he had asked for her number etc, etc, etc. And the boy will more than likely be discussing with his compadres if he managed to get a finger up her bum. And there goes my journalism reputation.

Maybe I'm just friends with a few of the more blunt members of the male human race. Maybe there are guys who, after getting with a girl, sit down with their pals and discuss the chemistry of the encounter and where they think it will lead - but I'm sorry, I highly doubt it. And having been party to a number of risque discussion with my boy friends, I can honestly say that I enjoy being treated like one of the lads. Apart from anything else, being party to these explicit chats is slowly but surely curing my naivety around guys. Infact, I think my boy pals should have their own chat show. I can assure you it would make 'The Joys Of Teen Sex' look like an episode of 'Listen With Mother'.

1 comment:

  1. This is actually hilarious and pretty much true for most guys I'd say - good read. Simon.
